Visit Booth 2 to see our KeyView™ UV LED and Laser Detector
Hillsboro, Oregon (April 13, 2022) –Join us in Baltimore, MD at the Preparative and Process Chromatography (PREP) 2022 conference to see the development of the solid-state UV detector and how high-intensity diode source light, LED, is impacting preparative chromatography, and introduces Phoseon’s KeyView™ UV detector.
The KeyView UV laser and diode-based detector allow flexible UV detection and delivers high signal intensities to circumnavigate traditional saturation limitations and improve peak identification. KeyView’s dual laser and LED light engine was designed to provide a reliable and high-intensity spectrum and examines the KeyView UV detector under chromatographic conditions and applications at several mini-spectrum wavelength bands (220, 255, 265, 278, 285, and 295 nm).
Visit us at booth 2 to see Phoseon’s KeyView UV detectors, which allow users to determine analyte concentrations with high absolute absorption for preparative chromatography. Using solid-state technology, KeyView detectors use maximum light intensity to capture a higher dynamic range of high concentration analytes. After fine-tuning of over 300 LED-based IPs, Phoseon developed a solid-state detector-based system that brings chromatographic UV detection into the digital age, utilizing innovative laser and LED technology.
Phoseon’s KeyView products leverage patented Semiconductor Light Matrix (SLM)™ technology to improve both performance and ease of use over traditional light sources, those typically being deuterium, tungsten, and xenon lamps. The distinct advantages of LEDs include being inherently quiet, stable, and cool. In addition, LEDs turn on in milliseconds to full brightness.
The following posters have been preliminarily accepted for the symposium’s poster presentations:
- “Protein Purification Utilizing a Solid-state UV Laser and Diode-based Detector and Three Modes of Chromatography,” authored by Ryan Splitstone, Business Development Manager for Chromatography at Phoseon Technology.
- “Demonstration of the High-intensity Laser and Diode-based UV Detection to Circumnavigate Traditional Chromatographic limitations,” authored by Ryan Splitstone.
- “Demonstration of a THC Remediation of a CDB Extract under Chromatographic Conditions and High Sensitivity Solid-state UV Detection” authored by Ryan Splitstone.
The PREP Symposium will be held at Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD on May 15-18. Stop by the booth to discover why Phoseon is the premier partner to solve new challenges Phoseon’s KeyView detectors integrate seamlessly into both preparative chromatography and flash chromatography applications..
About Phoseon Technology
Since 2002, Phoseon Technology pioneered the use of LED technology for Life Sciences and Industrial Curing. Through our relentless innovation, we deliver high performance, reliable and patented LED based solutions. Our strong focus on customer collaboration has resulted in world-wide market leadership position and presence. Phoseon is an ISO9001 certified company manufacturing award winning products that are covered by more than 300 patents worldwide. We uniquely focus 100% on LED technology therefore ensuring superior reliability, business economics, and environmental benefits.
Stacy Hoge
Marketing Communications Manager
Phoseon Technology
+1 503 439 6446
Categories: Preparative Chromatography